Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Face Book and Video's

After the launch of my Face Book group 'Mystical Mischief's Mad House' I'm so very pleased to say that there's been lots of interest and new members, 120 to date in less then a week, I would never have thought it! There's plenty of interesting things going on there, register your vote on new projects in the pipe line, videos that are complete and are not in 2 parts making the viewing of them easier, and interviews with other sugarcrafters. These interviews will be removed from the Face book group and replaced with a new interview every 2 weeks, the old interview will then come here for safe keeping.

Also uploaded to the 'Mad house' is a new video "The fall of a rock star!" The second NEC cake from 2009 going to the gallows. Whilst my favourite cake gets dimantled I'll explain to you just what techniques I used to make the GOLD award winning cake, and hopefully give you a few tips and a little insight into how to construct something similar.

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